
The Library is a ministry of Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church.We aim to provide members of all ages with good quality Christian literature.

Our collection of over 2600 books (and counting) is divided into two sections: the adults section and the children's section.

The Adult Books Section

This section features books catered to our adult members. We have many titles on various subjects doctrine, practical living, education, family and Bible commentaries. The Library also carries a small number books of containing teachings not endorrsed by CERC, for the purpose of educating members. Reader discretion is advised when reading such material.

The Children's Books Section

This section contains books suitable for both young and old. For young children, the Library has both books suitable for their own reading as well as parent-directed reading. For the older youths, titles on Christian fiction, church history and Christian values are also available.

Even as our collection grows, we emphasize on quality, not quantity; all books are screened before being placed on the shelves, ensuring you have a worthy read every time you pick up a book. However, if you do find a book in our collection which you feel is unsuitable for the library, please speak to the Library Committee.