Christian Literature Ministry

The Christian Literature Ministry (CLM) is a Ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church. Our church holds and professes the ancient faith of our fathers summarised in the 3 Forms of Unity - the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dordt. We stand in the tradition of the great 16th century Reformation where the precious truth of the Word of God was restored to its proper place in the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We, the CLM, strongly believe that the faith of a child of God can only be established in and through the word of God. As such we take up this calling to promote and distribute good Christian Literature to our members and friends. We also wish to promote and distribute the same in Singapore and around this Region. We pray and hope that through this Literature, the truth will be established in the hearts of the God’s people.

These pamphlets are available upon request and are free of charge. Larger quantities can also be ordered but subject to availability. Do pick a title from this catalogue and if you find it useful and edifying, please pass it on to your friends and family. If you have any questions, do write to us. We will be glad to assist you.